Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Escargot Ride

This is the first time I saw a pico using a High-class Casino Escargot Ride,
ofcourse aside from Happy Oliver. XD
Cool, /thumb /thumb FumikaOkana :)) --Cambria ♫


  1. Fumika Are U leaving Ameba Pico??? We Will Miss U If U Leave We Wont Do Anything,.... If U Leave We Will Miss U And I'll Say "Gud Bye Fumika Okana"



    Here Are Some Bunnys Fumika



    Plz Like It Fumika Okana ^_~

  2. @ nana syifa: hahaha...hello!! XD thanks alot =D

    @lavagirl: come in my room! i'll add u...=D

  3. yeah fumi add me too. xD ur so awesome !! and kind of course xD
